Part 1: This is a chance for you to make the connection between your behavior and actual neuron growth in your brain. The idea is that the activities you choose to be involved with today, create the p

Part 1: This is a chance for you to make the connection between your behavior and actual neuron growth in your brain. The idea is that the activities you choose to be involved with today, create the person you will be in the future.  And so for this topic, describe the person you want to become in five years time. What new things will you learn that will stimulate an advanced and diverse neural network in yourself? Be sure to discuss the challenges you might encounter along the way and what you will need to do to overcome them. Here are some examples of what to write about:a. Your career choice, and what skills and education it requires.b. How you will be a member of your community, as an active participant or leader.c. What choice of home culture you will pick for your own family.d. Which healthful living activities such as diet, exercise, or meditation will you choose?e, What new hobby would you pursue? Is it individual or team-related?f. Or any other example of how you will have developed over those the next five years.

Part 2: This topic involves a kind of fast-forwarding in the development of the mind. There is research going on today that aims to create computer chips for placement in the human mind to help with various functions. The chips are intended to inform us or help us make decisions. For example, a chip could be implanted to identify diseases in the body, calculate our blood pressure, tell us when our diet isn’t providing sufficient vitamins, or even tell us when we need sleep. Other possibilities are numerous. The questions for this Discussion topic are, which of these functions, if any, would you like a brain-chip for:  larger memory storage while you are in school…  a chip that helps you with creativity…  a chip that helps you control your emotions… a chip to help you understand what is best for you, and how to choose that path.  Then discuss why you are willing to give up part of your human nature in favor of a new, possibly improved digital nature.  Can you co-exist with a mini-computer in your brain?

just 150 words

· case reports: 1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)- please review what I have, see below, and make changes/add to if necessary· 2. Paranoid Schizophrenia- Attached file D

·     case reports:  1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)- please review what I have, see below, and make changes/add to if necessary

·       2. Paranoid Schizophrenia- Attached file

Described the major symptoms of each disorder, outlined each person’s background, and described any factors in the person’s background that might predispose him or her to their disorder.


Described any symptoms that were observed that support each diagnosis and any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with each diagnosis and provided relevant information from the case history about the development of each disorder.


Described any evidence of psychosocial or medical issues that might have contributed to each disorder, identified any safety concerns regarding suicidality or homicidality, and discussed any cross-cultural issues affecting the differential diagnosis.


Discussed appropriate short-term and long-term goals of each intervention, discussed the most appropriate therapeutic strategy and therapeutic modality for each case, and presented appropriate reasoning for your selection.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




Diagnosis: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Symptoms of the disorder: According to the DSM 5 individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder show patterns of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity that interfere with functioning or development: Inattention includes: present for at least 6 months, and they are inappropriate for developmental level:

·        Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or with other activities.

·        Often has trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities.

·        Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.

·        Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., loses focus, side-tracked).

·        Often has trouble organizing tasks and activities.

·        Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to do tasks that require mental effort over a long period of time (such as schoolwork or homework).

·        Often loses things necessary for tasks and activities (e.g. school materials, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, mobile telephones).

·        Is often easily distracted

·        Is often forgetful in daily activities.

2.     Hyperactivity and Impulsivity includes: behavior present for at least 6 months to an extent that is disruptive and inappropriate for the person’s developmental level:

·        Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat.

·        Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected.

·        Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate (adolescents or adults may be limited to feeling restless).

·        Often unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly.

·        Is often “on the go” acting as if “driven by a motor”.

·        Often talks excessively.

·        Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed.

·        Often has trouble waiting his/her turn.

·        Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games)

In addition, the following conditions must be met:

·        Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms were present before age 12 years.

·        Several symptoms are present in two or more setting, (e.g., at home, school or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).

·        There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, school, or work functioning.

·        The symptoms do not happen only during the course of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g. Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or a Personality Disorder).

Background: David is a sixteen-year-old male Caucasian in his sophomore year in High School. According to his case history video, he lives mostly with his mom. Based on research, factors in David’s background that may have predisposed him to this disorder include coming from a single parent background, inexperienced parents, biological factors and limited time spent with a parent. David’s mother spends a limited amount of time with him and allows him to spend his time playing sports and video games instead of helping around the house. In most cultures, a variety of skills are taught as a child develops, for example- learning how to wash dishes or put gas in a car. These tasks also teach an individual to be aware and focus on a task until completion. Due to David’s mom, feeling overwhelmed she may have unintentionally reinforced his presenting symptoms of ADHD.

Observation: During the interview, David was constantly fidgeting and moving around. He REPORTs being unable to focus his attention for a given amount of time to complete a task. For example- when his mom asks him to do chores around the house he forgets his tasks. According to the case report David also has issues with demonstrating good judgment. The example given is tearing off the skin to his knuckles when asked to hit a punching bag. The excitement of hitting the punching bag overpowered the pain he may have felt to his hands. His behavior can, therefore, be seen as disorganized and driven which is an element of ADHD.

Symptoms that are inconsistent with the ADHD diagnosis is his ability to spend hours playing sports and video games. David states he enjoys these tasks and spends a couple of hours every day playing. David also reports that the class he has with his girlfriend he has a B+ in. He says he pays attention in that class because it’s important to him. When teachers or his Mom tells him to do a task he won’t do it until they ask him too or uses his charm to get out of a task. Children with ADHD are also less likely to have groups of friends or get involved in after-school activities. This is not true in David’s case. He reports having friends and loves playing sport with his friends at school even though he wishes he was better at it.

It is my opinion that the development of this disorder can be attributed to his upbringing. Inexperienced parents that don’t necessarily have a clear parenting style and therefore allow children to make their own choices to avoid tantrums.  David comes from a single parent home, lives with his mother only, which research shows are more susceptible to having a child developing symptoms of ADHD. The diagnosis is also three times more diagnosed in boys than in girls.

Diagnosis: There is no evidence of any medical conditions that might contribute to the development of the disorder at this time. Environmental problems and psychosocial problems stem from his mother being an inexperienced parent that doesn’t enforce behaviors that promote functional development. An example of this is David’s mother allowing him to be off his medication in the summertime. This behavior is not promoting continual wellness but a see-saw effect which can do more harm than good in the long run.

Verbal prompts, gestural prompts, modeling prompts, and physical prompts are all stimuli that guide people in their behavior. Describe instances of prompts that you find in the Bible. Discuss ways tha

Verbal prompts, gestural prompts, modeling prompts, and physical prompts are all stimuli that guide people in their behavior. Describe instances of prompts that you find in the Bible. Discuss ways that the Lord built prompts and transfer of stimulus control into the life of Old Testament and/or New Testament believers.

This is a two-part question and the class is organizational coaching. Part one: Create 10 questions about organizational climate that you could ask an individual within an organization. Locate an indi

This is a two-part question and the class is organizational coaching. 

Part one: Create 10 questions about organizational climate that you could ask an individual within an organization. Locate an individual with an organization to whom you can meet with to ask your questions.

Part two: In 1,000-1,250 words, compose an analysis of what the climate of that organization might be, based on the responses from the questions asked.

List five strategies to help an individual function within that climate.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

My Wife: Visit 5_10 website pertaining to psychology and create at least 5 questions from each site that could be answered by other psychology students in your class. My Wife: Make sure you include

My Wife: Visit 5_10 website pertaining to psychology and create at least 5 questions from each site that could be answered  by other  psychology students in your class. My Wife: Make sure you include the title for each website. Website addresses  and answer to your question

Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers in a minimum of 300 words (each reply), by Day 7 (Monday). Based on your understanding of the rea

Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers in a minimum of 300 words (each reply), by Day 7 (Monday). Based on your understanding of the reading, add important information to the conversation.

  • How are your experiences similar to or different than those offered by your peers?
  • How might damage to different parts of the brain impact various processes related to sensation and perception?
  • Can you offer additional examples of social or cultural differences in childrearing that might impact outcomes?

Peer 1 (Jennie):  

Sensation and perception both play a significant role in the sensory of how our brain functions. Perception is the way individuals see things or situations. Viewpoints may vary based on several things, including one’s environment, culture, traditions, and senses. That is when sensations come into play; seeing, touching, hearing, tasting, and feeling are all part of our sensory system. As mentioned by LeFrançois (2020), “Strictly speaking, sensation is the immediate response of our senses to sensory stimulation; perception is the brain’s interpretation of the signals it receives from its various sensory systems” (chapter 3.1).  

Human development includes a variety other than just genes and science. Erik Erikson is a psychologist who has been examining the interaction between genes (nature) and environment (nurture). Different backgrounds impact nutrition and physical development because not every child is raised in similar homes. One household can have customs of bike riding every night and include full servings of vegetables in every meal. Another house might have movie night along with a full bar of snacks and treats on the daily. The nutritional and physical development of the children in each household will be different because of the home environment. Social development is affected by childcare arrangements, culture, and traditions of the parents. The movie Babies [Streaming video], demonstrates how culture is a part of this development and precisely how nurture is the primary variable. When it comes to parenting styles and emotional development, the main thing to consider is the parent’s childhood. There are four categories into which parents fall under, each one having a different impact on how children emotionally develop. The different styles are; autonomous, usually, have securely attached children. There is dismissing and preoccupied parents, who typically have insecurely attached children, and unresolved who likely manifest disorganized-disoriented attachment. This development is influenced by both nature and nurture but develops positively or negatively depending on the child’s environment. 

The relationship between perception and development is affected by one’s environment, family beliefs, and the way they demonstrate affection. As mentioned in the Parental ethnotheories of children’s learning (2010) book, “Features of childhood such as the long period of growth and development, post-weaning dependence, and the patterning of learning and skill acquisition are best identified and understood as products of a selective history” (p. 11). Dependence has to be one of the most considerable variations, even with the same biological structure, the different things parents expect from their children. Which is when the brain comes into play, and differentiates our perceptions based on our reactions to sensory. Our world is filled with a vast amount of diversity and allows us to see all the fantastic variations in our society. 

Peer 2 (Corte):  

Upon reviewing the required readings I can define sensation the method of sensing our external environment through our senses such as sight, sound, smell and touch. All of this is then sent to our brain which we process these senses and that’s where we get our perception from. It helps formulate our interpretation these things.  Let’s take for an example we are walking outside and we feel a gentle breeze on our skin this is the process of sensation and our perception of this sensation might be something like its windy out today.

A child’s early home environment has a profound effect on their well-being. Study has linked negative home environments during the first few years being a host of developmental problems such as aggression, anxiety and depression. Living in an environment affected by chaos and poverty can lead to changes in the brain stress system that increase a child’s vulnerability to chronic diseases later in life. When another example how different environments have on development children who grow up poor are more likely than other children to drop out of high school.

When it comes to perception and development and the relationship between them. Take an infant as an example as they develop they use their perception to inform them of what to do next. Whether it’s adjusting from crawling to walking. They use there sensations around then turns into perception and makes them adapt causing that increase in developmental changes for these individuals.

Reflection child

Reflect on your growth and development using techniques of child and adolescent counseling skills.  You should discuss your strengths and weaknesses as related to your knowledge and skills, and your plan for enhancing your assets and reducing your limitations.  This should be between 2 to 3 pages (not counting a title page or citations).