What is Background of The Study?

The background of the study is a part of a research provided in the introduction section of the paper. The background of the study is a compilation of adequate information that is based on the analysis of the problem or proposed argument, the steps and methods needed to arrive at the design and the implementation of the results achieved and feasible solutions.

It is different from the introduction. The introduction only contains the preliminary information about your research question, or thesis topic and readers will be learning in your paper. It is simply and overviews the research question or thesis topic. But the background of your study is more in-depth and explains why your research topic or thesis is worth the time of your readers. Your paper background of study will provide your readers with context to the information talked about throughout your research paper. It can include both relevant and essential studies.

Background of the study is used to prove that a thesis question is relevant and also to develop the thesis. In summary, a good background of the study is the work done to determine that your research question or thesis topic is a problem and that the method used is the one required to solve the issue or answer the question.

How to Write Background of the Study in a Research Paper

Stage 1. At the beginning stages of formulating your thesis, many of the issues are still very unclear, and you need to solidify your thoughts, you should conduct preliminary research. You conduct this preliminary research on the specific topic, and the area of study will help you to put forward a research question or thesis statement that will finally lead to more relevant and specific research. You can visit a library, check the Internet and other electronic databases to find preliminary sources such as scholarly journals and books about your background of the study.

Stage 2. Read and gather the information you need to develop a thesis statement or research question that will guide your thesis. You should take notes and also keep an accurate track of the sources of information you have used up to this point. A lot of people use note cards, but it’s easier and better to use electronic note-taking programs in this electronic age. Just make sure to use a form or recording that is comfortable and easier for you. Also, make sure you cite the source of every information you are using on each note so that you won’t forget where you got the information from, just in case you want to use it in your thesis.

Stage 3. Develop and pen down research question or thesis statement. Think about the things you’ve read and searched for issues or solutions that have been found by other people and then formulate your stance or opinion on the issue. Write out your position or opinion as an authoritative statement. You can decide to do more detailed research at this point and look for more sources that are more relevant to your research question or thesis.

Stage 4. Complete your research using question and thesis statement as your guide. You should be able to find sources that are relevant to your specific thesis and provide more insight into your research question. It is critical that your sources provide information on the history and past researches related to your thesis or research question.

Stage 5. As you create your background study, create relevant sections. When you start writing, create five different sections that have the key issues, major findings, and the controversies that are surrounding your research question or thesis and also a section that provides evaluation and a conclusion.

Stage 6. Identify the further studies that need to be done in the in the conclusion section. And also mention possible solutions to the issue that have not been put into consideration in the past.

Stage 7. Do a revision and editing of your background of the study. You can write out several drafts of your work, revising, editing, and adding more information as you do so before coming up with the final one. Make sure each draft is better than the previous. You can also ask someone else to help you go through it.

We hope this information has been helpful to you. Read also other useful posts on our nursingessaytutors.com to improve your writing skills.

What is a Mood Disorder?

A mood disorder is a mental health problem that primarily affects a person’s emotional state. It is a disorder in which a person experiences long periods of extreme happiness, extreme sadness, or both. It is normal for someone’s mood to change, depending on the situation. However, to be diagnosed with a mood disorder, symptoms must be present for several weeks or longer. Mood disorders can cause changes in your behavior and can affect your ability to deal with routine activities, such as work or school.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the common disorders in human life: depression and bipolar disorder. So we will have a look at these disorders and possibly their subtypes.

Common Disorders

1. Depression (major or clinical depression). Depression is a common mental disorder. Grief or sadness is a typical response to a traumatic life event or crisis, such as the death of a spouse or family member, loss of a job, or a major illness. However, when the depression continues to be present even when stressful events are over or there is no apparent cause, physicians would then classify the depression as clinical or major depression. For a person to be diagnosed with clinical depression, symptoms must last for at least two weeks.

2. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder) Bipolar disorder is defined by swings in mood from periods of depression to mania. When someone experiences a low mood, symptoms may resemble those of a clinical depression. Depressive episodes alternate with manic episodes or mania. During a manic episode, a person may feel elated or can also feel irritable or have increased levels of activity.

Causes of mood disorders

There may be several underlying factors, depending on the type of the disorder. Various genetic, biological, environmental, and other factors have been associated with mood disorders.

Risk factors include:

  • Having family members who have mood disorder
  • If one had been diagnosed with mood disorder before
  • Trauma, stress or major life changes in the case of depression
  • Physical illness or use of certain medications. Depression has been linked to major diseases such as cancer

Symptoms of common mood disorders

Symptoms depend on the type of mood disorder that an individual has.

Below are symptoms of major depression:

  • Spending time sad on a daily basis
  • Not having energy and sometimes feeling inactive
  • Feeling like you don’t have value and loosing hope
  • Constantly loosing appetite and overeating
  • One can either loose or gain weight
  • Slowly losing interest in engaging in activities that used to make you happy
  • Spending most of the time sleeping
  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Having a hard time concentrating or staying focused

Bipolar disorder symptoms on the other hand can include both depression and hypomanic. Below are symptoms of manic episodes:

  • Having so much energy and feeling elated
  • Rapid speech or movement
  • Feeling agitated, restless, or easily irritated
  • Risk-taking behavior, such as spending too much money or driving recklessly
  • Engaging in so many activities and sometimes trying to do them at once
  • Racing thoughts
  • Lack of sleep or insomnia
  • Feeling jumpy or on edge for no apparent reason

How to treat mood disorders

Deciding on which treatment is perfect for mood disorder will depend on the specific illness and symptoms that are present. Usually, therapy involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. This is also referred to talk therapy. Therefore, a psychologist, psychiatrist or other healthcare professional may conduct therapy sessions.

Medications to treat depression and/or bipolar disorders

  • Antidepressants – Many different medications are available to treat depression and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder. Some of the most widely used drugs are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
  • Mood stabilizers – These medications help to regulate the mood swings that occur with bipolar disorder or other disorders. They reduce abnormal brain activity. Mood stabilizers may also be prescribed along with antidepressants in some cases.
  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)- Patients with depression and other mood disorders may benefit from various types of psychotherapy or counseling sessions.
  • Brain stimulation therapies- Brain stimulation therapies are thought to work by causing changes in the chemicals in the brain that are known to be associated with symptoms of depression and bipolar disorders.

One of the treatment approach that has been seen to be helpful is psychotherapy. This approach is usually used together with medication or brain stimulation therapy. Minor forms of depression can be treated with psychotherapy alone. Brain stimulation therapies are usually tried when other treatment options have not been successful, in people with severe symptoms, and in those who cannot tolerate the side effects of drug therapy. Every therapy has its potential role, as each patient with a mood disorder is unique. Seek help immediately if you feel suicidal or have thoughts of harming yourself or others.

Problems Students Have When Writing a Dissertation

When you get to the point of writing a dissertation, you’re clearly near the end of an important stage of your educational journey. The point of this paper is to showcase your skills and capacity to conduct research in your chosen discipline and present the results through an original piece of content that will provide value for the academic and scientific community. You should also make the dissertation interesting and unlike any other academic paper that’s already been published.

Your mindset is an important part of the process. Think of it this way: if you follow this dissertation guide and you still don’t manage to write the paper, you can always rely on the best dissertation writing service. With that sense of security, you’ll carry on doing your best.

Let’s Start with the Definition: What Is a Dissertation?

However, the term dissertation is also used for the final project that PhD candidates present before gaining their doctoral degree. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about an undergraduate or PhD dissertation; the form of the assignment is very similar, although the PhD project is much more serious.

This guide will be useful both for undergraduate and PhD students, who are working on their dissertation projects, as well as for students developing theses for MA programs.

Why Is Writing a Dissertation So Hard?

Most candidates usually start with great enthusiasm, but this intimidating project can throw them to despair. The process of planning, research, and writing will be the longest and most complex challenge you’ve ever committed to. The end result will be very rewarding, but you might go through several obstacles to get to that point. These are some of the most common problems students have when writing their dissertations:

  • Procrastination. They think there is plenty of time to work on the project, and they keep delaying the starting point. This is a big problem, since these students usually find themselves in frantic stress when the deadline approaches. Procrastination is one of the first signs that you need academic writing help.
  • Lack of research. Students who don’t have enough experience with academic writing think they just need to collect few relevant resources and extract relevant quotes from them. That’s far from the truth. You need to analyze those materials thoroughly and discuss them in the paper.
  • Lack of writing skills. The dissertation paper should follow the strict rules of academic writing. You can choose unusual dissertation titles, but you should write in proper form, style, and language; and make sure to implement the correct citation guidelines.

The dissertation may seem like an overwhelming challenge. We offer the tips that make the dissertation seem like something you can do. You’ll slowly head into the right direction when you follow this guide on how to write a dissertation step by step. If you’re still having challenges, visit nursingessaytutors.com for more assistance.

Personality Traits of Nurses

As new nurses are entering the workforce, identifying and encouraging specific nursing qualities will help hospitals and health systems recognize strong nursing candidates for hire and understand which current nurses on staff would make great leaders. It’s helpful to consider these 13 qualities of a good nurse that will help them be successful in navigating and thriving in today’s healthcare landscape.

Qualities of a Good Nurse

  1. Caring

While it may seem like a given, most people assume that all nurses enter the field because “caring” is one of their leading qualities—but this shouldn’t necessarily be an assumed nursing characteristic. Many nurses who choose the nursing career path to prioritize job security, are interested in using it as a starting point for another career or have a lack of alternative ideas/options.

But as a nursing quality, caring makes all the difference to patients. A nurse showing a natural tendency to truly care about how their patients feel will have a significant impact on their success in the nursing field, which makes caring a key indicator of a nurse’s success.

  1. Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are critical characteristics of a nurse. A nurse’s role relies on the ability to effectively communicate with other nurses, physicians, disciplines across other units, patients, and their families.

Without the ability to interpret and convey communication correctly, medical errors are more likely to occur, patients often feel neglected or misinformed, and the entire unit will feel the impact.

  1. Empathy

With nurses caring for perhaps thousands of patients throughout their careers, it can be all too easy to become desensitized or remember what it was like to be a “nonclinical” person. A characteristic of a good nurse is one that shows empathy to each patient, making a true effort to put themselves in their patients’ shoes.

By practicing empathy, nurses are more likely to treat their patients as “people” and focus on a person-centered care approach, rather than strictly following routine guidelines.

  1. Attention to Detail

Nurses are undoubtedly under immense pressure as they balance receiving orders from physicians with using their own knowledge skills and critical judgment to provide the highest quality patient care. Add to this combination caring for multiple patients simultaneously, and the risk for human error can seem almost inevitable.

A good nurse knows the stakes are high and that unlike in most other industries, they’re responsible for peoples’ wellbeing and more importantly—their lives. Having strong attention to detail is one of the nurse personality traits that can easily and quickly determine how successful they’ll be in their role.

  1. Problem Solving Skills

While clinical knowledge and training are taught throughout a nurse’s education, on the job training is the most effective way to help shape a nurse’s problem-solving skills. And although years of experience can help hone this skill, some naturally possess better problem-solving skills as part of their qualities and traits of a nurse.

Problem-solving skills are essential to nursing, as nurses generally have the most one-on-one time with patients and are often responsible for much of the decision-making related to their care.

  1. Critical Thinking

While having a strong willingness to learn is an important skill in a good nurse, putting that knowledge into successful practice requires an ability to think critically—especially in high-stress situations. A nurse with highly functioning critical thinking skills is one of the most important characteristics of a professional nurse.

  1. Sense of Humor

To derive satisfaction from such a mentally and physically exhausting career, nurses that can find time for a laugh are typically more successful in their roles. Because nurses encounter varying degrees of high-stress situations, taking the opportunity to enjoy the downtime and incorporate a lighthearted attitude can provide a sense of stress relief beyond measure.

  1. Commitment to Patient Advocacy

A great nurse understands that patient advocacy is a mindset that must be practiced every day, with every patient, throughout every stage of the care continuum. Many patients enter a hospital or healthcare setting disoriented, confused, and unable to truly “speak up” and advocate for their safety. Having a nurse that practices with a strong passion for patient advocacy will ensure they’re always fighting for the very best care for their patients.

  1. Willingness to Learn

With technological improvements and breakthrough studies in science, the healthcare industry must prove to be successfully adaptive to provide the highest quality patient care possible. Nurses spend more bedside time with patients than any other role in healthcare and their willingness to learn and put new knowledge into practice is one of the leading traits of a good nurse.

By engaging with new nurses to instill an expectation of continuous learning, while creating a positive environment for them to learn from experienced nurses, nursing leaders will set new nurses up for success. If you have any inquiries, visit HERE.

Tips for Organizing Sources for Research Papers

Sources give information. A source can be an individual, archive, object (for example painting, map, potsherd), area, and so forth With regards to undergrad (and graduate) research papers, we’re typically managing composed sources. There are three classifications of sources: essential, auxiliary, and tertiary.

Discovering Sources

So we realize that finding various sorts of sources is significant, yet how would you begin? Here are a 4 hints:

1. Become acquainted with Your Library and Librarians

Now and again understudies never utilize more than their foundation’s online list. For instance, a library that offers short presentations and even inside and out instructional exercises on different programming including reference chiefs, planning programs, and even Adobe Photoshop. In the event that we need a source that isn’t situated in our library or in our consortium, we can in any case demand them. I additionally discovered that our library has a committed control explicit custodian. This implies they have a decent comprehension of the kinds of materials we are working with and the sources we are searching for. I’ve contacted our archaic exploration custodian various occasions and he has been more than accommodating.

2. Check Google Scholar

Google researcher is an extraordinarily helpful, amazing, and FREE web index that showcases query items just from insightful sources. These sources can incorporate articles, books, expositions, licenses, and so forth for a given source, you will regularly have the option to peruse a theoretical (or portion) and snap on an immediate connection that will lead you to the source.

There are further instructional exercises that tell you the best way to viably look and oversee results and inside the device. While Google Scholar is very ground-breaking and accommodating, I have discovered that it doesn’t generally find dark, yet significant, messages for some archeological themes. Regardless, it is a brilliant spot to begin when searching for sources.

3. Find Literature Reviews

Finding a magnificent survey article on your theme or a part of your subject resembles striking gold. Why? Indeed, somebody has just accomplished crafted by finding a large number of the significant essential and auxiliary hotspots for you. While I would not depend entirely on one audit article for your sources, (since individuals can fail to remember things and the article probably will exclude the latest conversations on a given subject) they are an incredible spot to begin.

Expert’s proposals or doctoral papers can likewise be an incredible asset for finding sources. Graduate understudies need to give a writing survey in the last record they produce for their degree. Some expound in these survey sections. This probably won’t be a good time for their panel, yet it’s extraordinary for you! There are various online information bases that give admittance to papers. Check with your library to see which ones you approach.

Likewise, since there is no supernatural recipe for finding a survey article, it merits inquiring as to whether they are aware of any sources. Presently please recall the tips I offered in past post, explicitly, doing your own examination first.

4. Look at Academia or ResearchGate

In the event that you blend long range interpersonal communication and sharing exploration you end with stages like Academia. These stages permit researchers to set up their own profile and offer their examination with people in general. This is finished by either by giving a reference or a PDF duplicate of their work. You do need to make a record to obtain entrance, however it’s free. These social stages are very helpful when attempting to find sources, particularly some harder to get to material.

Overseeing Sources

As you begin to gather sources, a reference chief is indispensable. A reference administrator is a device that permits you to record, track, and gather references and bibliographic sources.

There are various articles out there that think about reference chiefs. The key is to get one that works for you and use it! Trust me, it will save you a great deal of time and you will be undeniably more coordinated.

Drawing in With Sources

As I was moving toward my complete tests, I was rapidly getting overpowered by the sheer measure of perusing I needed to do and the ensuing amalgamation. What does that even mean? It implies that composing ought to be an indispensable part of your understanding cycle.

For what reason is this significant? For one thing, the majority of us don’t recall all that we read so it’s acceptable to record things. Besides, composing as you read permits you to constantly draw in and reflect with the material you’re chipping away at, accordingly, drawing you nearer to the composing objective you are pursuing.

At the beginning, moving toward a research project can appear to be overwhelming for a considerable lot of us. When you discover sources and drew in with them by composing as you read, you end up with quality notes that equilibrium summing up data and working out your own contemplations about the point.

Buy Expository Essay

An expository essay is a genre of writing which tends to explain, illustrate, clarify, or explicate something in a way that it becomes clear for readers. A good expository essay is straight forward, factual and logical. It analyses a topic in a logical way without any emotion or opinion being present. This can be particularly hard for students who feel very passionately one way or the other about the given topic.

It can be very difficult to keep your essay engaging for the reader when you are not allowed to write with passion or any personality. This is why it’s recommended that for expository essays, you hire a qualified, expert writer and buy expository essay.

You may encounter the expository essay in high school sciences, but a little emotion can be forgiven at this level. As a graduate or undergraduate, you will be expected to write concisely and factually without any opinion creeping in and you may lose some marks if you can’t do this well. By your master’s degree and doctoral level, you may find that you lose enough marks to go down a grade or even more if you can’t do this well.

The point of the expository essay is to be able to provide a neutral analysis that could be accepted as logically and factually true by someone on either side of a debate.

Expository Essay Writing Help from Professionals

Although our expository essay writers are extremely passionate about their subjects, they are professionals and they know how to write a good expository essay. They know how to write logically and factually and still keep a person engaged in the material, which is a definite skill.

Our writers can write top rated papers that provide legit facts and reliable logic without letting their own personal opinions show through. They will structure your expository essay in the most logical manner and they will use formal language to explain the expository essay topics in detail, showing that you know what you’re talking about.

Nursingessaytutors.com is sure to hire only the best writers who are qualified themselves, meaning they know what your professors are looking for.

Nursingessaytutors.com provide cheap expository essays that are a great pairing of high quality and low price. We believe that we can provide an inexpensive service to you when you pay for expository essays without compromising on the quality of the paper in any way.

I Want Your Writers to Write my Expository Essay

Good choice! Ordering your essay is a simple process, and you have already taken the most important step by deciding to say write my expository essay for me. Now we just need some basic details:

  • The length of the expository essay in words or pages.
  • The expository essay topics.
  • The deadline
  • The academic level at which you need your expository essay written to.

Once we have this, our website will automatically generate your price. There are no further fees or hidden charges. This figure is all you will pay for our full expository essay writing service, which includes all research and writing, including an abstract and bibliography where required, and a full edit and proof read.

Even if your deadline is urgent, we promise that the paper will be delivered on time and ready to use.

If you find that you’re almost ready to say do my expository essay, but you’re still a little unsure whether or not you want to commit to it, then be sure to check out our expository essay examples. You will see for yourself the high standard you can expect.

If you have any further questions or queries, don’t hesitate to contact us via telephone or our live chat messaging facility. We are open twenty-four seven so you can always be sure there is someone on hand to guide you through the process and clear up any uncertainties you might have. Once you are assigned a writer, you can even contact them directly with any questions through our onsite messaging facility.

We look forward to working together on your expository essay and we hope you do too!

Classification Essay Writing Guide

If you are going to learn how to write a classification essay, then you will first need to understand what it actually is! The easiest way to explain a classification essay is that it is a formal piece of writing designed to showcase your skills in categorizing and generalization. You will be required to organize things into groups and offer up examples that fit into each. It is up to you to decide on the criteria for classification, but you must be able to explain your reasoning

How to Structure Your Classification Essay

One of the first things to think about when learning how to write a classification essay is the structure. For the purpose of this guide we will go with the popular ‘five paragraphs’ method, but when you come to actually write your assignment you can add in additional paragraphs as appropriate.

  1. Introductory Paragraph – As with any type of essay, your starting point is the introduction. You will want to clearly identify your subject, so explain what you are going to be categorizing. It is also a good idea to offer readers an explanation of the purpose of your essay. Why are you categorizing these items? Finally, you will want to close your introduction with your thesis statement. This will identify your groups and perhaps offer a brief explanation of the criteria for each of them.
  2. Body Paragraphs – The body of your essay will be 3 or more paragraphs. Each paragraph should deal with a different category. Start by explaining the criteria for each of them and perhaps discuss the strengths or weaknesses. You should also offer relevant examples. Depending on the length of your paragraphs you may wish to break them down into shorter ones. This is fine, but you will need to make sure you have clear transitions when moving to a new category.
  3. Conclusion – The final paragraph is where you will pull together the various categories that you have examined in the body of your classification essay. It is usual to offer a brief summary on each of them. Depending on the subject matter, you may also decide to recommend the particular one over the others, but if you do so make sure you emphasize why you have come to that conclusion.

Planning How to Write a Classification Essay

Now that you have a grasp of how your essay is going to be structured, it is time to sit down and plan how to write a classification essay. This is not the type of assignment where you can just sit down and start writing a first draft without a clear plan of action. There is some initial planning that has to be done in order to produce a coherent classification essay. Here are a few of the essential planning steps you will need to consider:

Only once you have gone through these initial pre-planning steps are you ready to crack on with actually writing your classification essay. Don’t expect to knock it out in one sitting, you will likely need several drafts to get it right and your plans may change slightly along the way.

General Tips for How to Write a Classification Essay

So, now that you have the structure down and have come up with a plan of how to approach your essay it is time to get started. Here are a few quick tips that will also help with how to write a classification essay.

  • Make sure you describe or define each of your categories. Start by making a list of their main characteristics and then discuss them.
  • You will need to provide several illustrative examples. Look for examples which offer a typical representation of the class. Have an equal number of examples in each of them.
  • Use the comparison and contrast technique you will have developed in other essay formats to point out the various similarities or differences between each of your categories.

These are just a few guidelines to help you get started with how to write a classification essay. The key to succeeding with this type of assignment certainly comes down to preparation. Spend time planning your essay and figuring out your categories and you will find that the rest of the assignment falls into place much more easily.

Speech Skills that you need to Possess to get your Dream Job

So you’ve spent the better part of the year applying for this job, and all you could wish for is to get an email from them inviting you for an interview. Then one day you get an email congratulating you that you’ve been selected! And now you have an interview with the best company ever! What do you do in an interview? Well, this is where you convince the interview panel that you are the best and that you deserve that particular position. This is a lifetime opportunity, so you do not want to fail. Below are some of the speech skills that you need to remember when you walk in for the interview.

1. Be Polite

Your interactions with others, from the receptionist to the parking attendant, show a lot about the kind of employee you would be. Greet all with a warm and welcoming greeting. Make an effort to exude positivity and enthusiasm during your interview. You’ll never have another opportunity to make a strong first impression.

2. Don’t reveal too much personal information

When you’re anxious, you may be tempted to talk about things that aren’t important or are too personal. This kind of action could get you fired right away. Also, don’t express any payment requirements in your speech. If you are offered the position, you will have the opportunity to inquire about it later.

3. Practice and Prepare

By researching typical interview questions and practicing your answers, you will escape the trap of freezing or rambling. Don’t memorize your answers; instead, concentrate on a few key points. This training will make you more optimistic, helping you to show your best self.

4. Pay Attention to Nonverbal Communication

Your body language should project a sense of certainty. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer by standing up straight. Make an effort not to fidget or slouch. With a strong handshake, greet the interviewer.

5. Do some research on the business.

Your interviewer will be pleased not only by your knowledge of the job description and the organization, but also by your knowledge of the culture, the company’s core values and mission, and any notable accomplishments. Look at the company’s website, as well as Glassdoor and LinkedIn. There’s no reason not to perform comprehensive research these days, particularly with so much knowledge readily available online.

6. Dress to Impress

Find out the company’s dress code ahead of time and dress more professionally if necessary. You should wear clean, ironed clothes to your interview. Maintain a high standard of health and grooming.

7. Make Inquiries

You will almost definitely be asked if you have any questions during the interview. Whatever you do, don’t say you don’t have any. Asking questions demonstrates your confidence and curiosity. It’s also a good way to make sure you’re a good match for this business.

8. Practice active listening.

Listening is an important skill for successful communicators to have. Show that you’re paying attention by nodding and sometimes paraphrasing what your interviewer says. Aside from that, it’s a good way to learn more about the company.

9. Write in a professional tone

Do not converse with the interviewer as you would with your peers. Maintain ethical boundaries and demonstrate that you are aware of your surroundings. Keep the discussion centered on business while avoiding personal issues.

Nothing would be able to stop you from achieving your goals if you practice these skills to show your best self during the interview.

Best Term Paper Writing Service from PhD Writers

Students from time to time have gotten themselves into trouble because they’ve been unable to finish their term paper, thesis, and assignments by themselves. During graduation, I have seen a lot of students unable to graduate simply because of this. So they end up suffering because they couldn’t ask for help at term paper writing service.

At nursingessaytutors.com, we’ll help you with your assignments and submit them on time. We have expert writers who have specialized in different fields and they’re ready to make your dreams come true. Our company helps students of different academic levels, for instance, master’s degree and PhD. All you have to do is place an order with us and we’ll take it from there. Therefore, try us today and you’ll be able to relax and watch that movie you’ve been meaning to. Our company has a lot of different benefits as a term paper writing service. Below are some of the benefits that will be extremely helpful to our clients:

1) Variation of Services:

Graduateassignments.com is one of the best writing services because it caters all customers’ needs by providing a diversity of services. Our writers are not only experts in one field but they’ve specialized in different academic programs as well. The reason we’ve diversified is because we would like to help students from different academic backgrounds.

2) Expert Writers:

We have a big team of professional writers who have been where you are now. Therefore, they know very well what your professors will be looking for in a paper. Most of them have a master’s degree while others have a PhD. So what we do is that once you place your order, we will assign your work to a writer who has specialized in your field of assignment. This is very important because the content will be very authentic with zero plagiarism.

3) Peace of Mind:

When you place an order with us, you don’t have to be worried because your assignment will be ready within the specified time frame. Once the writers are done with the papers, they’re usually passed through a team of editors who will proofread thoroughly before submitting. Therefore, you can just relax knowing that your paper is in good hands. You can go out and catch up with friends and family. Furthermore, if you’re not satisfied with the assignment, you can request for revision, and it will be done with no extra cost. 

4) Compensation:

We do our best to make our customers happy, but in a case where the customer is not satisfied with the assignment, they can have their money back. This is rare though because it doesn’t happen. Additionally, our company provides free title page, formatting, and referencing to customers.

We are one of the best assignment and term paper writing service, hence students coming from different educational background can extract benefits out of it. We provide our services to students across the world and help them do their assignments. Our main goal is to see you excel. So when you choose us today, you would have made the best decision ever. Our writers will submit plagiarism free assignments, and they’ll be ready on time. Place an order today and you won’t regret it. Also, we have coupon codes for our first time clients and our prices are very affordable.

Pollution Essay

Pollution essay is not a common assignment, but it is mostly found in ecology-related courses. So in this course, a student will come across a topic of environmental pollution. Well, the subject may not necessarily be in the ecology field. This is because pollution and the impact it causes can be discussed in other subjects such as, chemistry, geography, physics, and social sciences. Therefore, a student will find it easy taking up a task of writing pollution essay.

Getting Started

To begin with, a pollution essay is an academic piece, so it is organized according to the same rules and standards as other written assignments. As a result, it is only fair to review what an essay is and how it should be written first. An essay is a short piece of writing that describes a specific subject. It should be broken down into three sections:

– introduction;

– body;

– conclusion.

The first paragraph of the paper is the introduction, which contains a brief description of the subject. It should give the reader enough context information without giving away the paper’s main point. A thesis statement should be used at the end of the introduction.

The body of the paper is where all of the general knowledge and key points are found. The conclusion is the last paragraph of the paper, and unlike the introduction, it tries to wrap up the conclusions and their key points.

Writing the Essay

Before beginning to write the actual document, one must first choose a subject. Unfortunately, today’s environmental pollution is a widespread and pressing problem. As a consequence, finding information on the Internet should not be difficult.

Environmental concerns can include everything from carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect to radioactive waste and oil spills. Depending on the discipline, one should not overestimate one’s abilities or choose an unnecessarily complex subject, as this would necessitate ample scientific calculations and arguments to support it.

Pollution on Paper

Pollution of the environment is a hot subject in both science and political circles. The price that human society pays for the modern technological conveniences that accompany day-to-day life is the root of the problem. There is, however, reason to believe that environmentalist movements are gaining momentum among the youth and political activists.

When writing a paper on pollution, it is important to consider these patterns and acknowledge the significance of the topic. The speaker does not simply characterize an environmental issue, nor should he or she concentrate solely on the event’s impact and consequences.

In a pollution essay, it is crucial for the student to demonstrate knowledge of the tools and methods that are available to address the discussed environmental problem. A teacher who assigns a pollution essay challenge is likely to be interested not only in the student’s assessment of the issue but also in his or her ideas on how to solve it. The secret to writing a good pollution essay is to demonstrate respect for pollution as well as scientific objectivity.