Select one species from the interactive image above or from the text list that has not been selected already by another classmate (check what has…

Select one species from the interactive image above or from the text list that has not been selected already by another classmate (check what has been posted already). Research your chosen species and answer the following questions:

pick any of the following

Asian Carp


Cane Toads



Burmese Python

Zebra Mussels

Northern Snakehead

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Northern Pacific Sea Star

Water Hyacinth

Giant African Snail

House Cat

Small Indian Mongoose

Nile Perch

Asian Gypsy Moth


House Mouse

Dutch Elm Disease


North American Bullfrog

Black Rat

  • What is the common and scientific name of your organisms?
  • Where are the organisms originally found? How did this species become invasive?
  • What type and how much damage does the species cause?
  • What characteristics about the species make them successful invasive species?
  • What efforts are underway to prevent the spread and/or eradicate the species?
  • In your opinion, what is the future of this species and the ecosystems?

250-300 words with reference 

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