Tips for Success: Your answer must demonstrate engagement and understanding of course materials…

Tips for Success:
Your answer must demonstrate engagement and understanding of course materials
Clearly state your argument
Provide three arguments that support your answer
Support each of your arguments with evidence and examples
Provide a clear conclusion that summarizes your answer
Submission Instructions:
You must submit final papers to the D2L Response Paper 1 Dropbox folderYou must submit papers before 8:00 am on Sept 21You must submit Microsoft Word Documents (.doc or .docx), other formats will not be graded We are not responsible for technology failures, so plan ahead.Formatting Instructions:Single space headers (Name, date, title, etc)Times New Roman 11 or 12 point fontDouble space content1 margins200-250 word requirement (20% penalty for not meeting or exceeding the word limit)Provide a word count at the end of your paper (5% penalty for failing to include a word count)Headers and Works cited do not count towards your word limits

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