Two true-breeding stocks of pea plants are crossed. One parent has red, axial flowers and the other has white, terminal flowers; all F1 individuals…

Two true-breeding stocks of pea plants are crossed. One parent has red, axial flowers and the other has white, terminal flowers; all F1 individuals have red, axial flowers. The genes for flower color and location assort independently. Among the F2 offspring, what is the probability of plants with white axial flowers?

A) 9/16

B) 1/16

C) 3/16

D) 1/4

solution and explain. please


As people, we have all had experiences that have influenced us, social groups we belong to, ideals we admire and strive to achieve, values we believe in and hold dear. All of these things shape the way that we see those around us, how we judge them, consider what they need and want, as well as what might be best for them, or “healthiest” for them. Where we see ourselves, where others see us and put us, and how we got to this position is part of our positionality, which is rooted in our ideology and the ideological principles of our culture.

In order to be good public health educators/professionals/programmers/researcher, it is critical that we spend time being reflexive and acknowledging our own positions, particularly if ours is a position of power over someone else. Which, as a public health professional, is usually the case, since people respect and listen to the “experts.”

So, for this assignment, please read the attached article on unpacking white privilege and watch the video on privilege

Write a response paper (2 pages) thinking about the following things:

  • 1) What did you think of the article and video? Did you agree with it? Did anything jump out at you from it? Is there anything that concerns you? What did you learn?
  • 2) Write 1-2 paragraphs describing your own positionality. Tell me about all of the ways you identify yourself, all of the groups you think you are a part of. For example: how do you identify your race, gender, religion, interests, cultural traditions, passions, hobbies.
  • 3) What are some of the areas where you experience privilege and possibly judge or oppress others; or where you can see how you are oppressed or judged because of your sex, race, sexual orientation, cultural traditions or other variables.
  • 4) How could your positionality influence your work in public health? Provide some specific examples.


Choose one of these three films

Infernal Affairs (Dir. Andrew Lau & Alan Mak, 2002)

Her Fatal Ways(Dir. Alfred Cheung, 1990)

Comrades, Almost a Lover Story (Dir. Peter Chan, 1997)

1. summarize the plot of the film and

2. briefly describe your reactions and reflections

3. min 500 words

** (must watch the movie)

You may focus on any aspects of the film, such as plot, characters, ideology, cinematography, style, and so on. Do not write on two or more films, or on films outside class screenings. Give a title to your short paper.

** Background: Im an international Chinese student (male). This is my HongKong movie course work. Our professor is also a Chinese

08 kg bullet traveling at speed hits a 18.7 kg block of wood and stays in the wood. The block with the bullet imbedded in it moves forward with a…

A 0.08 kg bullet traveling at speed hits a 18.7 kg block of wood and stays in the wood. The block with the bullet imbedded in it moves forward with a velocity of 11.1. What was the velocity (speed) of the bullet immediately before it hit the block (in m/s)?

IT 315 Final Project Part I Solution Submission Template Name: Juan Rodriguez Date: 01/19/2017 This template is a guide for you to organize your…

My computer failed on me last night, therefore I missed to extend the deadline for you. Therefore, I’m sending this question to you again. THis should give you more time as well.

I attached an assignment that I submitted in Week 2. In this assignment, the professor wants me to revise this assignment and also applying the rubric and information provided. The diagram is incorrect and needs to be fixed as well? I need to provide good work

  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2
  • Attachment 3
  • Attachment 4

A beam of light of wavelength 589 nm is directed at the double slit to produce an interference pattern on a screen placed 120 cm from the slits. The…

A beam of light of wavelength 589 nm is directed at the double slit to produce an interference pattern on a screen placed 120 cm from the slits.. The distance between bright fringes is 4.8 mm. Calculate the separation between the slits.

Imagine that we have two populations, the focal population (the one we’re interested in) and the other population. In the focal population, the…

Imagine that we have two populations, the focal population (the one we’re interested in) and the other population. In the focal population, the frequency of allele M is 0.5 and the frequency of allele m is 0.5, while the other population is fixed for allele m (frequency of M = 0, frequency of m = 1).

n the figure below, a charged particle moves into a region of uniform magnetic field , goes through half a circle, and then exits that region.

n the figure below, a charged particle moves into a region of uniform magnetic field , goes through half a circle, and then exits that region. The particle is either a proton or an electron (you must decide which). It spends 190 ns in the region.


This exam focuses on the recent blockbuster movie “IT” based on the novel by Stephen King. “It” is the name given to a mysterious interdimensional, shape shifting entity that, every 27 years, awakes and feeds on children. It can shape shift to take on the form of the fears of It’s prey. As fanciful as this story appears, it is actually a documentary based on true events. In fact, I have been receiving funding from the town of Derry (below which It lives) to study the primary form of It, which is the clown named Pennywise. If the biochemistry of Pennywise is better understood it may be possible to create a means to control this evil creature. In addition to the research funding from Derry, I have received a federal grant from the governmental agency known as the Department Of Evil Creatures That Are Featured In Novels That Are Thought To Be Fiction, But Are Actually True (DOECTAFINTATTBFBAAT). The town of Derry collected a considerable amount of tissue and blood from Pennywise. Although there are some very numerous similarities between the biochemistry of Pennywise and that of humans, there are also some striking differences. I have collected much data and will need your help in interpreting the some of this data and making sense of the complex biochemistry.

Answer the following questions. YOU MUST HANDWRITE OUT ANY ANSWER AND STRUCTURE!!!!!!

As I studied the tissue, was able to determine that Pennywise has all of the same amino acids as humans (with same pKa values), but also had one not observed any known organisms on earth. I named it pennywisine (B, Pen) and it has two sidechains (R1 and R2) as seen below:

1. What is the pI of pennywisine? What structure will pennywisine have its pI? (draw it)

2. What overall charge would have at pH 2 and pH 10? Explain.

3. Sketch the titration curve that would result if the completely unprotonated form of pennywisine was titrated with HCl.

a. Be sure to label the midpoints (and pH values at which they occur) and the endpoints (equivalence points).

b. Draw the correct structures (in terms of protonation that would be found and the 1st and 3rdendpoints (equivalence points).

4. How many mL of 10 M NaOH will have to be added to the fully protonated form of pennywisine to create 375 mL of a 150 mM pennywisine buffer at pH = 8.38?

5. Can pennywisine exist in water as it is shown to the structure to the left? Explain.

6. If pennywisine were dissolved in water at pH =7, what will the two strongest intermolecular forces of attraction between pennywisine and the water. Explain.

7. Based on any resemblance you note between the sides chains of normal amino acids and those of pennywisine, under what conditions will both pennywisine sidechains react with ICH2COOH? Illustrate the organic mechanism of the reaction that will occur using these structures.
