1. watch the video Piaget-Stage 3 – Concrete –Reversibility by Fi3021 channel. 1) How does the child in this video illustrate their cognitive ability to decenter and the ability to use reversibil

1.  watch the video Piaget-Stage 3 – Concrete –Reversibility by Fi3021 channel. 

1) How does the child in this video illustrate their cognitive ability to decenter and the ability to use reversibility? 

2) Approximately, how old is the girl in the video? 

 2. view the video ZoneofProximalDev.mov by drmpcfl Answer the following: 

1) Define Vygotsky’s concept of Zone of Proximal Development

 2) Define Scaffolding 

3) How long should scaffolding continue in the learning process? 

4) Does scaffolding of children always require an adult to guide them? 

5) Give 2 examples of scaffolding from the video.

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