Describe the various types of funding available to a business, and include at least three examples.

This assignment asks you to describe a new business you’d like to start, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business from scratch versus buying an existing business.

Assignment Steps

Write a 1,050- to 1400-word paper on funding a business, in which you:

  • Describe the various types of funding available to a business, and include at least three examples.
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of funding.
  • Identify the best source of funding for your business, and explain why you selected this source.
  • Explain how you plan to grow and support the business over the next 3-5 years.
  • Describe the major costs that you will need to cover prior to generating any revenue, and how you plan to cover your cash management.
  • Determine your anticipated “break-even” point at which you expect to start seeing a return on your investment (for both your investors and you).

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Demonstrate how metrics such as valuation, economic profit, and related terms are measured and evaluated.

Demonstrate how metrics such as valuation, economic profit, and related terms are measured and evaluated.

Explain the significance and implications of various economic theories pertaining to profit, consumer choice, demand and supply, forecasting and optimization.

Lester Scholl’s administrative assistant calls you on Monday afternoon to set up a conference call between you and the chairman tomorrow morning to discuss the board’s reaction to your list and to discuss your next task. You call the number she gave you, and Lester joins the call shortly after.

“I’m pleased with your work,” he says. The board was impressed with your list of factors. Your ranking made sense because your explanations were well-written. I suspect they read everything you sent because it was concise and clear. Good job.”

“Thanks,” you say, and you feel relieved that your first assignment was well-received.

“Your list provided the basis for a good conversation about the manufacturing operations,” he says. “We want to know more about the economy of both countries to further inform our decision-making process.”

“That makes sense,” you say. “The United States and South Korea hold many distinct economic factors that may affect AutoEdge’s long-term financial performance.”

“Right,” he says. “Your research on the two economies will give the board enough information so we can advise the new, incoming CEO.”

“What should my research include?” you ask.

“In your research, you must take into consideration several macroeconomic factors,” he says. “We want to see information about the gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment, interest rates, and inflation for both the United States and South Korea. Make sure your research is current; that is, no more than 6 months old.” 

“I’ll get started right away,” you say.

“Very good,” he says. “Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll put you in touch with some of the other members of the board if I can’t provide the answers you need.”

Why did the Great Depression of the 1930s seem so much worse than any occurring either before or since?

What were the underlying causes of the depression? Why did the Great Depression of the 1930s seem so much worse than any occurring either before or since? Can you see any modern parallels to the Great Depression? Elaborate

what are the most remarkable characteristics of the approach on measurement, and why you think they are the most remarkable.

Draft responses to the review questions from Chapter 12 in the text, and then write a two to three paragraph reflection on one of the case studies presented in Chapter 13 of the text. Submit this assignment as a single document with the following brief headings:  “Answers to Chapter 12 Review Questions,” and “Reflection to Select Case Study.”  In writing the reflection paragraphs, you should highlight the following:  what are the most remarkable characteristics of the approach on measurement, and why you think they are the most remarkable. When completing this assignment you should demonstrate critical thinking and reading  skills.

Discuss one or two conflicting issues involving the view that video games encourage sexist behavior.

“Do Video Games Encourage Sexist Behavior?”  Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss one or two conflicting issues involving the view that video games encourage sexist behavior.
  • Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Violent video games encourage sexist behavior in adolescent and adult men. Support your views with two or three reasons and / or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)

What competencies were you able to develop in researching and writing the course Comprehensive Project?

What competencies were you able to develop in researching and writing the course Comprehensive Project? How did you leverage knowledge gained in the assignments (Units 1–4) in completing the Comprehensive Project? How will these competencies and knowledge support your career advancement in management?

Discuss the Eker quote as it pertains to your professional experience and the material for Week 2

How you do anything is how you do everything. – T. Harv Eker (from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind)

This course is a mixture of learning a new format (business style) and adapting your English language skills to a different audience. Business communication relies equally on format (how you communicate) and content (what you say).

Respond to ONE of the following:

  1. Discuss the Eker quote as it pertains to your professional experience and the material for Week 2
  2. Find a quality resource that discusses the importance of format OR find a quality support that proves format does not matter in the context of the professional environment.

Evaluate key features of Title VII, Equal Pay Act, American Disabilities Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and Health Insurance Portability and Affordability Act in terms of their effects on the Human Health care Management field.

Evaluate key features of Title VII, Equal Pay Act, American Disabilities Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and Health Insurance Portability and Affordability Act in terms of their effects on the Human Health care Management field. Predict the next legislative act that you believe will have the greatest impact on HR, managers, and employees. Justify your answer accordingly.

Describe features that are only found in eukaryotic (but not prokaryotic) cells.

“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, and rRNA”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1

: Introduction to the Cell. Watch the Khan Academy video “Introduction to the cell” (1)* and then address the following issues.

  • (a) In the video, the narrator says that we might think that since cells are so small, that they must be simple, but “nothing could be further from the truth.” What did he mean by that?
  • (b) Describe features that are only found in eukaryotic (but not prokaryotic) cells.
  • (c) Did anything in this video surprise you, or was it mainly a recap of material you already knew?

Topic 2 [article]: Lokiarchaeum. Read about Lokiarcheum in the article by Yong (2)* and/or the article by Zimmer (3)*. Both articles describe recently discovered evidence about a previously unknown organism. Then, address the following issues:

  • (a) Lokiarchaeum may be a “transitional form” between archaea and eukarya. What evidence suggests this?
  • (b) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
  • (c) Cite whichever article you use. If you use both, cite them both. There’s no particular reason why you should need any other source, but if you do use any other source, you must cite it, too.

Topic 3 [research]: Carl Woese. Carl Woese (b. 1928, d. 2012) worked out a new method for classifying organisms based on RNA from their ribosomes. This is called ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Research Carl Woese’s research on the Internet, and then address the following issues:

  • (a) Describe the basic logic of this Woese’s approach. In other words, how can you tell if two organisms are closely-related or distantly-related from their rRNA?
  • (b) Name one of Woese’s most important findings.
  • (c) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
  • (d) Don’t forget to cite your source or sources!

References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

  1. Khan Academy, November 29, 2017. Introduction to the cell,
  2. Ed Yong, May 6, 2015. New Loki microbe is closest relative to all complex life,
  3. Carl Zimmer, May 6, 2015, Under the sea, a missing link in the evolution of complex cells,