John Higham. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism An essay about John Higham….

John Higham. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism

An essay about John Higham. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism

English Standard Format, Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, MLA, 1,000 words, or about four pages, no headings necessary, just your name, the word count of the essay, and the citation of the book.

The book essay will need to answer some or all of the following analytical prompts, but please do not simply organize the essay as a list of responses to these questions.What are the aims and objectives of the author?What are the major findings of the book? Keep summarization concise.What is the author’s approach and conclusions?How does this book relate to material in this course? Avoid generalizations.How does the book contribute to our understanding of the American experience?How do you evaluate the book? Be brief.

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History is a complex discipline historians concentrate on the cause of a problem. The latter concentrates on the real occurrence rather than the history that made these events happen. , The main objective of the author is to highlight the American nativism revolt that occurred between the 1860 and the 1920. The author book was sold to more than a hundred thousand copies and the author received scholarly awards from his work. In the first edition, the author reveals how immigrant, ethnic, political and, cultural…………


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