
I have a 20-page bibliography paper for the whole semester. The topic is Which Rehabilitation Programs Reduce Recidivism in sex offenders.

it will be turned in four parts which are Paper Cover & Introduction(1), Literature Review(2), Reporting Research Results(3), Results/conclusion (4). In this paper, You will have to show a history, a definition and come up with a measure of what percentage of recidivism is a good measure: 20%? 50%? Also, I always ask: Is recidivism true or do these especially devious criminals figure out ways to defeat investigators? (Did they learn from their cases not to use computers or share information over the web? Are they resorting to paying sex workers rather than seeking random people?)

Now the first part Paper Cover & Introduction needs to be done (2-3 page) please help finish it.

  • Cover page, Abstract and Introduction: Cover page to include name, date, class and Title. Abstract to include 1 or 2 paragraphs to explain your premise and draw the reader’s interest. Write in the third person (do not use I, Me, my, etc.). The Introduction (2-3 pages) should start in broad terms and in several paragraphs narrow the focus to the final paragraph where your topic question is presented. (Begin your bibliography here and continue throughout the paper.)
  • All papers must be typed, double-spaced, using a12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica); use standard margins
  • Paper must be written in an essay format (e.g., full sentences); do not insert extra line breaks between paragraphs or manipulate margins to lengthen your paper
  • APA format.

I hope you will help me do the rest of three parts of the paper if you help me with this parts. I want the paper to be done by the same person from the beginning to the end.

I will tip you if the work is good.

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