What you have learnt and how you will use it for your understanding and knowledge about Chile and Latin America. How you learnt and how you can build on and improve your learning process Requirements:

What you have learnt and how you will use it for your understanding and knowledge about Chile and Latin America. How you learnt and how you can build on and improve your learning process

1. Word length: Between 1000 and 1500 words.

2. Required to reflect on how their experience on this Study Tour has informed

their thinking and learning about Chile and Latin America. In particular:

a. What you have learnt and how you will use it for your understanding and

knowledge about Chile and Latin America

b. How you learnt and how you can build on and improve your learning process

3. This requires self analysis of your learning experience, and you need to be genuine and honest in your reflection.

4. You will be assessed according to your ability to critically self-reflect and consider future self development.

Everyday lecture ppt will be provided.

Everyday visited place names and useful links will be provided.


smilesmile. .


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Why did the attempt to create a constitutional monarchy in the first phase of the French Revolution fail? As the revolution continued, what followed this failed attempt to create constitutional monarchy?

Why did the attempt to create a constitutional monarchy in the first phase of the French Revolution fail? As the revolution continued, what followed this failed attempt to create constitutional monarchy?

1. When and for what reason(s) do both men argue a society is justified in overthrowing its government and establishing a new one? When, do they argue, it is inappropriate or not necessary to overthrow a government and establish a new one?

2.Why did the attempt to create a constitutional monarchy in the first phase of the French Revolution fail? As the revolution continued, what followed this failed attempt to create constitutional monarchy?

3.How did the role of religion (or Church as an institution) and class differ between the French Revolution and the American Revolution?

4. Explain the political and cultural significance of nationalism in nineteenth century Europe (post-Napoleonic Wars).


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Jazi, a 59 year old man was admitted to the intensive care unit of a large metropolitan hospital with a diagnosis of septicaemia.

Jazi, a 59 year old man was admitted to the intensive care unit of a large metropolitan hospital with a diagnosis of septicaemia.

Jazi, a 59 year old man was admitted to the intensive care unit of a large metropolitan hospital with a diagnosis of septicaemia. Jazi was admitted to hospital for further treatment of his leukaemia at which time his PICC line site became red and inflamed. Communication with Jazi’s doctor occurred after 48 hours of noted redness when pain and a temperature also presented. The PICC line was removed and peripheral access gained. Jazi continued to deteriorate and at the time of admission to ICU he was pale, markedly short of breath, and had a temp of 42. After the ICU physician’s review he was immediately commenced on a regime of intravenous antibiotics. Jazi’s medical history included severe mitral valve stenosis and chronic myeloid leukaemia.

A few hours after Jazi’s admission to ICU, the shift handover occurred for the afternoon shift. During handover, the NUM informed the nursing staff present that she had received a phone call from the treating Oncologist advising the patient was not for resuscitation (NFR). The nurses continued with afternoon handover however they questioned why the patient had been transferred to ICU as he was NFR. Later in the shift the Oncologist called to see Jazi and indicated to him that the treatment plan was sorted and now the focus was to eliminate the source of infection that had occurred. The Oncologist questioned Jazi as to how long the PICC line had been red and sore and Jazi responded that it had ‘been that way most of the time I have been in hospital, however it did get a lot worse over the weekend.’ The Oncologist did not reply to Jazi. He continued to write up his clinical assessment report however did not document the NFR directive which he had phoned through earlier. This oversight was later dealt with by the nursing staff writing the initials ‘NFR’ in pencil, on the top of the nursing care plan.

The intensive care unit became busy throughout the shift and a nurse from another area of the hospital came to assist in the area. This nurse, Pat, discussed with Jazi his condition, what had brought him to hospital and how his family were coping. Throughout the conversation Jazi identified that he really ‘wanted to have further treatment, but they won’t give it to me.’ Jazi was referring to his cardiac valve replacement surgery for which he had been denied surgery recently. Pat questioned Jazi as to whether he had discussed his options with his Doctor. Jazi replied that he has ‘many times but they won’t do it because there is only a 50-50 chance of success.’ Pat questioned Jazi again…’So you would still want the surgery?’ Jazi replied, ‘I sure would, I need to buy some time. My wife is very ill at home, she has cancer and is completing dependent on me. She doesn’t have long to live, and all I want to do is live long enough for her, because she is afraid of being alone.’ Jazi continued with ‘It’s wonderful that the doctors and nurses are doing all they possibly can for me.’


smilesmile. .


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Evaluate yourself. What short-term manifestations of stress do you have? If you are symptom free, what short-term manifestations of stress do you know of in another person? What longer-term manifestations do you have or do you know of in another person? Be honest in your evaluation.

Evaluate yourself. What short-term manifestations of stress do you have? If you are symptom free, what short-term manifestations of stress do you know of in another person? What longer-term manifestations do you have or do you know of in another person? Be honest in your evaluation.




Your textbook is Psychology, 9th edition, by Carole Wade and Carol Tavris (Longman Publishing, 2007). The text is available at the SCCC Bookstore or you can search for an online bookstore.

Read CHAPTER 14, “DEVELOPMENT OVER THE LIFE SPAN” in the Wade &Tavris text. Include the Summary at the end of the chapter.


Choose ONEactivity from each section. When you have completed your Study Activity, submit your written report using a Lesson Identification Form.

Section 1 (one page)

1. Erik Erikson has stated that the child-rearing practices of a society are a reflection of the values of a society. What do you think of this statement? What values do you think the child-rearing practices in America today reflect about our society? What values do you see as reflected in the way you were raised?

2. Conduct a conservation exercise with at least 3 children between the ages of 3 and 11 years old. Using a tall, thin glass and a short, squat glass (like those shown in the photograph on page 533). Pour the liquid from one into the other and ask each child if there is the same amount of liquid in each glass. Ask which glass holds more liquid. Does your experience validate Piaget’s theory regarding conservation? (You can also try this exercise using two sets of seven blocks which are different sizes, or using two pieces of modeling clay, one piece flattened and the other in a ball)

Section 2(one page)

Your text observes that divorce is troubling, difficult and painful for children. Discuss the negative effects a divorce might have on a child between the ages of two and twelve. Assume that the child lives with the mother and visits the father on Sundays. How might the experience differ for a child who is male vs. a child who is female?

Read CHAPTER 15, “HEALTH, STRESS, AND COPING” in the Wade &Tavris text. Include the Summary at the end of the chapter.


Choose ONE activities from each section. When you have completed your Study Activities, submit your written report using a Lesson Identification Form.

Section 1 (one page)

1. Hassles are a fact of life; they are sources of frustration, annoyance, and irritation. In this activity, you are asked to analyze 3 hassles in your life (e.g., traffic hassles, work hassles, relationship hassles, etc.) and apply some of the suggestions your text gives for handling the commonplace hassles in your life. Analyze your hassles by:


smilesmile. .


The post Evaluate yourself. What short-term manifestations of stress do you have? If you are symptom free, what short-term manifestations of stress do you know of in another person? What longer-term manifestations do you have or do you know of in another person? Be honest in your evaluation. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.

Advanced knowledge of the pathophysiology, health assessment and pharmacology for nurse educator.This paper is designed to facilitate nurse educator track students understanding of the complex role of nurse educator.

Advanced knowledge of the pathophysiology, health assessment and pharmacology for nurse educator.This paper is designed to facilitate nurse educator track students understanding of the complex role of nurse educator.

This paper is designed to facilitate nurse educator track students understanding of the complex role of nurse educator. An in-depth view of the patient will be presented in addition to the ways in which in-depth knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessments can be used to incite innovative communication, critical thought, and clinical judgment in themselves, in members of the inter-professional team and in the nursing student.
Requirements of paper:

Paper meets length requirements at least 6 pages

Minimum of 3 scholarly references (in addition to the required textbook and readings.)

References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided for use of older references
You are to meet patient Charles Gibson, who is in rehab recovering from stroke. A CT scan showed that he had a left sided Ischemic Stroke that left him with right sided weakness. Fortunately, Mr. Gibson was given tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) within the 3hrs time of symptoms onset. He is now in rehab with his wife getting Physical and Occupational Therapy.
History and Physical
Date of Birth: OCTOBER 12, 1942
AGE: 72
RACE: African American
ALLERGIES: No Known Allergies
WEIGHT: 250 pounds
HEIGHT: 6’0″ / 113.398 kg
BMI: 33.9

He has history of hypertension for which he refuses to take the medication prescribed for him. Patient states “I feel fine without it.” He has the medication but has not yet opened the prescription bottle. Has been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type II for which he takes Metaforim at 1000 mg/day. Keeps up with his doctor’s visits which are scheduled every four months. Smokes a half of a pack of cigarettes every day. Cut down from one pack per day over the past couple of years as his doctor told him. Enjoys all kinds of food including fried food, fast food and “soft drinks”. He has no acute distress.
Post Stroke MRI showed evidence of recent ischemic event with no worsening ischemia and reperfusion to compromised area of cortex. Patient Gibson suffers some speech difficulties which looks to be motor in origin. Is able to identify words when shown a picture of several everyday items. Tolerating nectar thick diet without incident. Will progress to soft -diet if swallow evaluation results are consistent with this. He is staying motivated but expresses remorse about not “being able to do what he did before”. He remains in sinus rhythm, HR 80s since cardioversion with Amiodarone one week ago. His BP stays in the 130s systolic and he assured us that he would be “good about taking his new medicines”.
IN REHAB Vitals: HR_ 82 NSR
BP- 130/80
RR- 18 Reg
Temp -98.6
Sat 96% on 2 L/min oxygen
Practioner Orders:
Admit s/p stroke.
Vital signs every four hours with O2 saturation.
Diet: Nectar Thick
Swallow evaluation and call with results.
PT/OT consult
Telemetry bed
Metformin 1000mg po every 12 hours
Enteric Coated aspirin 81 mg po every day
Persantine 75mg po every day
Losartan 75mg po every day
Amiodarone 200 mg po every day
Discharge goal- two weeks from today with once weekly RN visits and outpatient PT/OT three times a week.


smilesmile. .


The post Advanced knowledge of the pathophysiology, health assessment and pharmacology for nurse educator.This paper is designed to facilitate nurse educator track students understanding of the complex role of nurse educator. appeared first on My Nursing Paper.



Information security changes at incredible rates. In a 1 – 2 page paper,using APA style formatting, determine what steps would be needed to ensure that the healthcare organization’s information security system remains current with both software changes and also remains abreast of evolving threats to the privacy of the protected information.


smilesmile. .



A human right is something that people should be able to exercise. By law, no healthcare facility can deny service to any person requiring medical facilities; however, most people do not have access to health facilities because they cannot afford it.

A human right is something that people should be able to exercise. By law, no healthcare facility can deny service to any person requiring medical facilities; however, most people do not have access to health facilities because they cannot afford it.

World Health Organization’s constitution states in part, “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being” (Daniels 37). On the same note, the United Nations commented that health is a right, which is indispensable for a good living. Despite these assertions, the question on whether there is a right to healthcare continues to be a debatable one in most nations; there are also counterarguments on whether the citizens or the state should pay for the healthcare services. In most nations, there have been numerous calls to treat the right to healthcare as fundamental and most people should have access to it. This paper will support the arguments of philosopher Norman Daniels that the societal health needs must be met fairly as every person has a right to healthcare.
The first argument is that everybody faces illness and may be prone to day-to-day accidents. Therefore, maintaining and restoring health is important to enabling citizens lead quality life (Erick 8). Thus the access to healthcare becomes integral requirement, which is connected to good human life and dignity. A life, which is deprived of good healthcare, will be full of anxiety, pain, and limitations. The major function of healthcare is to maintain the normal functioning of a human being. Diseases and disabilities impair the normal operation of the body and therefore restrict the person to the wide range of opportunities that would otherwise be open to him / her (Norman 31). By keeping people close to the normal function, healthcare preserves the ability of the people to participate in the social and economic aspects of everyday life. The individual’s share of the opportunities is represented by the skills and talents, which are not used when people are sick. Providing a right to healthcare is ensuring the nation’s workforce is healthy. Although the healthcare industry contributes a large share to the country’s domestic product, it is also important to note that a nation wastes more resources when its people are not able to work and therefore become dependent on others. It is estimated that preventable diseases form about 70% of the burden of illness (Long 5).
Another major reason for healthcare to be regarded as a fundamental right and therefore provided by the state is that the poor and the marginalized in the country cannot afford medical care. The question is whether healthcare should be seen as a private good that people need to purchase using their own money or should it be provided free by the government. If everyone in the society has the resources to access healthcare, it should be regarded as a private endeavor and not a right (Long 9). Through research and findings, the reasons that have been associated to the right to healthcare are mainly represented by the need to access quality health services even by the less fortunate in the society. On the other hand, the costs of medical care have increased continuously and the majority of the middle and low income earners do not have the necessary resources (Harris et al. 76). Therefore, if healthcare was left upon the hands of individuals, there would be a huge part of the population that would be disadvantaged. Simply because some people are poor does not mean this right should be taken away. Medical care is not a commodity but a necessity, and because its cost can be beyond the reach of a person, this right should be enhanced through wealth redistribution schemes (Lenard and Straehle 34). In addition, health to the public should not be limited to the access of healthcare facilities but should also include education. For example, in preventing a nation from the AIDS pandemic, an important strategy is for the government to embark on educating the public on how to reduce the risks of infection.


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Explain the major components of both the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Explain the major components of both the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Skyline Preparatory High for Girls is an elite prep school with 47 faculty and staff members on the payroll. Jamie Davis, a two-year English instructor, becomes pregnant. She is not married. She is a slim woman who is not showing visible signs of pregnancy and has not told the school administrators of her pregnancy. In her sixth month of pregnancy she develops pre-eclampsia, necessitating that she go on pregnancy leave immediately. Davis requests medical leave due to her pregnancy and applies for FMLA, believing that she is eligible (and because she desires to care for her baby after the baby is born). Skyline Prep’s Headmaster, Doris Jones, tells Davis that she must resign because she would be setting a poor example for the students. Davis refuses, and now Doris Jones wants to terminate her.

You are an attorney located at a New York City law firm that specializes in employment law. Doris Jones has contacted you for confidential legal advice, fearing that she may expose the school to liability.

What advice would you give to Skyline Prep’s Headmaster, Doris Jones?
How would you advise her to proceed?
Research the laws and legal cases on the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Family Medical Leave Act using online law libraries or other Internet sources of your choice.

Research the Internet for sources on how to make a simple video on your cell phone or computer if you are not already familiar with how to make one.

Imagine that you are speaking with Doris Jones via video chat or video conferencing.

Produce a video of no more than five minutes that addresses the following with Doris Jones:

Explain the major components of both the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Discuss whether or not Davis is protected under the PDA.
Discuss whether or not Davis is eligible for FMLA.
Evaluate the actions of the school in this situation. In a positive and professional way, explain to Doris Jones what the school should do to prevent an adverse situation from occurring.
As an attorney, what actions would you recommend that Doris Jones take to resolve this situation? Discuss this in the video.
Conclude the video with professional closing remarks.
Consider the organizational culture, HR training, company policies and procedures, and strategic steps that should be addressed in your response

Just write a brief summary of your responses to the following objective make it brief because I will be creating a five minute video on the answers. do not make a video


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write a research paper that argues the point “Hmong and Western Medicine” related to the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”

write a research paper that argues the point “Hmong and Western Medicine” related to the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”

You will write a research paper that argues the point “Hmong and Western Medicine” related to the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down”
Requirements: You are expected to develop an argument that educates and engages your audience far beyond class discussions and the information Fadmian provides in her text (I do not want a paper that merely summarizes the various arguments in the book. In fact, your paper does not have to refer to the book at all)

You need to support your argument very heavily with outside research. Use the kinds of reliable sources that we learned about in class and in the online library workshops.

In your essay, make sure that your thesis statement is clear and makes and argument about your topic. Make sure each paragraph has topic sentences that support the thesis. Make sure that you give plenty of evidence, examples, research, quotations, summary and paraphrase to support all of your ideas. You may also use one instance of personal experience if it is relevant.

Also, include at least one paragraph that contains a counterargument. what would someone arguing against you say? What would their strongest argument be? Attack that argument.

You will need to complete a Works Cited page for this essay. Make sure you have formatted it correctly. Use the MLA section of Rules for Writes, and go to the writing lab or see me for help.

Make sure you include all related homework assignments, such as an outline, annotated bibliographies, roughd raft, peer editing sheets, etc.

Succesful essays have:
– An intriguing introduction that contains the author’s thesis and gets the reader’s attention
– Clear topic sentences which explain what their coresponding paragraphs will prove
– Evidence which supports the thesis statement (and mostly comes from outside research)
– Grammar which does not interfere with meaning
– A conclusion which answers the questions, “So what? Why should we read this paper? Why is this topic important?”
– A title
– MLA style documentation


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The post write a research paper that argues the point “Hmong and Western Medicine” related to the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” appeared first on My Nursing Paper.